Sitemap - 2022 - Scaling Biotech

A quick thank you

Treat the problem, not the symptom

Collect data as far upstream as possible

Don't make yourself a decision bottleneck either

Don’t make yourself a communication bottleneck

Cultivating Empathy

Collaboration over technical excellence

Choosing the boring solution

Designing Projects

The primary measure of progress

Don't stop at technical objectives

Moving Beyond Agile

Biology software is bad because biologists like bad software

Premature Optimization

Making space for better tools

Case Study 2: Digital to Wet Lab (Part 4)

Case Study 2: Digital to Wet Lab (Part 3)

Cast Study 2: Digital to Wet Lab (part 2)

Case Study 2: Digital to Wet Lab (Part 1)

The Virtuous Cycle

Case Study: A Wet Lab to Digital Pipeline (Part 3)

Case study: A Wet Lab to Digital Pipeline (Part 2)

Case study: A Wet Lab to Digital Pipeline (Part 1)

Going Newsletter-only for a while

The right solution isn't always the best solution

Culture vs Strategy

Teams vs Projects

The Minimum Viable Change

One change at a time

On Deadlines and Prototypes

Is the best anchor a prototype?

Building Consensus in a Biotech Organization

Framing Change, Finding Consensus, Telling Stories

But do they know you know they know?

What does change look like?

Changing Mental Models

Why do scientists throw away data?

Python doesn't make a data scientist

Most silos aren't technical

ML vs Wet Lab: The Great Impedance Mismatch

Proxies and Timescales

Can a biotech really be data driven?

Maybe Excel isn't so bad...

A better ELN won't solve your problems

Bad software is a symptom, not a cause

The four stages of enterprise software

Why do you collect lab data?

The Giant Hidden Problem Plaguing Tech Biotechs

What are you taking for granted?

(Audio) What are you taking for granted?

Authority Gaps

(Audio) Authority Gaps

Why can't they just talk to each other?

Podcast: Why can't they just talk to each other?